How does a low carb diet affect energy levels?

2 min readAug 27, 2023

A low carb diet can have a significant effect on energy levels. When carbohydrates are restricted, the body must turn to other sources of fuel, such as fat and protein, to maintain energy. This shift can lead to a decrease in energy levels, as the body is not as efficient at burning fat and protein for energy as it is at burning carbohydrates. In addition, the body may be unable to access stored glucose, which can also lead to a decrease in energy.

However, a low carb diet can also have positive effects on energy levels. As the body adapts to using fat and protein as its primary sources of energy, it becomes more efficient at burning these sources, leading to increased energy levels. This is especially true when the diet is properly planned and balanced, as the body will be able to access the necessary nutrients to maintain energy levels.

In summary, a low carb diet can have both positive and negative effects on energy levels. In the short term, there may be a decrease in energy levels as the body adjusts to using fat and protein as its primary sources of energy. However, in the long term, energy levels can increase as the body becomes more efficient at burning these sources. As with any diet, it is important to ensure that it is properly planned and balanced in order to maximize the positive effects on energy levels.




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